Bike Life 2018

Now and then an assignment comes along that you enjoy getting your head around. As this year’s summer slipped into autumn I found myself out meeting cyclists in all corners of some of Scotland’s best cities. Working with the team from Sustrans we looked for the most recognisable locations of Glasgow, Perth and Stirling while avoiding the look of a travel brochure set of photos.

The job involved spending 7 days in the company of different people all engaged in their favourite activity (cycling) while I got on with mine*. These reports detail infrastructure, travel habits and their impact, and attitudes towards cycling in the UK’s cities. Click here to view the report covers large on the campaigns section of my website.

This week I also had the pleasure of shooting the launch shots of some of the participants in Glasgow as the Bike Life 2018 reports made their way into the wild, hopefully to help provide information and help shape policy for the years to come. For more images from the launch click here.

* Photography of course!

For more facts and figures and to see the full reports click here.